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Wednesday 5 March 2014

Assessing Minister of Health Ambrose's first 8 months in office. Not even close to a passing grade

Minister Ambrose has been in office for 8 months and it makes sense to evaluate her performance to date. 

What performance?

Fifteen public messages, aka press releases, only one of which relates to Ministry business, the remaining fourteen reiterated disease specific days, weeks or months.  

She has a similar number of public appearances with Ministerial statements, most if fairly neutral topics and neutral to right wing territory.  She has grappled with only one small crisis, namely a minor blip in drug continuity supply.   She has only released one minor funding announcement, and minor policy announcements at best.

She currently has the following legislation on the order table

C-2 an act to amend the Controlled drugs and Substances Act which is the latest iteration of the legislation to lay out the conditions necessary for supervised drug consumption sites (previously known as the respect for communities act which died on the order table)  DrPHdealth July 2013 , further restricts access to currently illicit drugs, and tightens up rules for medical exemption presumably for medical marijuana users  

C-17 to amend the Food and Drugs Act which appears to tighten up some loopholes in therapeutic devices section and provides widespread ability for the government to utilize regulations for the management and control of substances, devices and therapies under the act.

The relative value of the two pieces of legislation can be taken for their worth.  The first is more likely more anti-health than protective of health.  There were no health pieces of legislation passed during the first session of the 41st parliament.

Hence we are faced with the formula for longevity as a Minister of Health, do nothing, say nothing and be seen nowhere.  (see New Minister of Health DrPHealth July 2013)    By these criteria her performance is very in line with what was anticipated on all five predicted measures.

By any reasonable Canadian assessment of a Minister of Health, her performance to date would be considered a dismal failure.

Not surprising given the rĂ©gime that she is working within. 

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