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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pertussis – whooping it up on the newswire

The past few weeks have seen resurgence in media reports related to the tragedy of pertussis and the numbers of outbreaks occurring in North America, something DrPHealth has addressed several times so far this year as the outbreak has been developing Pertussis need for adult vaccination February 7 and  Pertussis back in the news big time May 17 .

Andre Picard has synthesized and personalized the Canadian situation in the Globe and Mail  Pertussis by Andre Picard driving the issue to mainstream Canada at last. M. Picard’s poignant comments are worth reading on any good day, and his comments hack away at the non-immunizers.   For an enlightening education of balanced rhetoric, be sure to scan through the comments of fellow Canadians. 

South of the border, some 18,000 cases have been reported so far this year with at least nine deaths.  
If you are looking for more, try Googling “Pertussis outbreaks” or check out Twitter on the hash tag #pertussis.  More examples of using social media to monitor disease activity, it seems more effective than formal Canadian surveillance systems.    

NACI has not updated any adult immunization guidance to date, however recommends a single dose of acellular pertussis at some point on or after the school leaving age of 14-16.   NACI immunziation schedule

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